Tuesday 29 December 2015

'The Usual Boxing Day Luck And Farewell For This Year'

Unsurprisingly. I failed to pick a single winner on the gee-gees at Kempton on Boxing Day... A decent win on Boxing Day is one of my most longed for things at Christmas time simply because I ALWAYS seem to have such bad luck each year. In over 30 odd years of gambling i do not remember a single winning Boxing Day!!

Still, I was reminded more so than ever this year by one of the lovely presents I got from a friend of why none of that matters a jot! Just take a look at this video to see why?

I hope each of you have at least one friend who cares for you as much as I do and never be afraid to tell someone how you feel about them - far better to speak and be heard than never to say what you really wanted someone to know!

As for other Christmas events this year, I managed to help send a couple of kids toys out to Africa for the kids out there this year after spotting an appeal on Streetlife.com, which was nice and have been promised some photos of the kids receiving them later on (so I may post them here next year).

On the 'Spread Christmas Spirit Campaign' front I've not had any cards through the post or letter-box as yet from any of the recipients but I'm sure I will get some response in time. If nothing else my 'campaign' is 'blooming good fun' and brings me closer to 'Santa' as in effect I am 'pre-empting his footsteps' - just using paths instead of roofs!

Well, I think that is about it for this years blogging! I wish all of you a FABULOUS New Years Eve (don't forget to look out for the lonely and isolated New Years Eve, eh?) and the very best wishes for a cracking 2016. Hopefully, fate allowing I will be back here next year with some more festive blogging to accompany the build up to the big day...

Love Tony xx

Friday 25 December 2015

'MERRY CHRISTMAS! And An Update On 'Operation Spread Christmas Spirit'

Here we are again folks! As Noddy Holder would scream ...It's Christmasssssssss!!! HA HA HA

Well, it may not be the dream Christmas Day outside (grey, wet, miserable) and there may not be a hint of a snow flake but last night I had a rollicking lot of fun delivering 46 'Santa cards' and two 'Secret Santa' prezzie drops!

Oh yes! I was out for a good couple of hours under the cover of darkness 'delivering' cards to the houses of people I've never met. Why? Well, when people go out of their way to put on a lovely, festive light display or put a beautiful and welcoming looking Christmas Tree in their living room window I think its nice when someone also makes the effort to let them know that they have seen and ENJOYED their efforts! It really does make my Christmas special when I walk along the streets and see all of the funny displays, 'Santa stop here' signs and homes 'glowing' with festivity each year. I can often imagine the wonderful family get-togethers and meals that will ensue and almost get a charge to my 'human battery' when I think of how so many people are going to be happy in that environment over the next few days.

I know that not all 'get-togethers' or parties are happy ones and not all families get along well over the festive period but when, like me, you do not have a family of your own, do not own your own house, do not have a job or a proper place in society it is heart warming to see that at least in this world there ARE some who HAVE managed to achieve those things. I may be a lot of things (and I am certainly an awkward git) but I have never 'done jealousy' preferring instead to choose to be HAPPY for that person or persons. Things are never always what they seem, however, and those I look at who appear to have everything often do not or are unhappy. Well, I like to make sure that my actions at least put a smile on faces at this time of the year and 'creeping about at night trying to deliver cards allegedly from Santa himself' is my way of doing that!

I tell you what was SUCH fun the other night. Oh my GOODNESS! Today's letterboxes are C_R_A_P! (HA HA) How a lovely house worth zillions and zillions can have all the best mod cons and a swanky driveway and then have a really AWFUL letterbox is beyond me! Most of the letter boxes I discovered last night were REALLY hard to get letters through! No wonder most of people's mail arrives bent or damaged - you try being a Postman and see how you get on! (HA HA)

Then of course there are the other 'hazards' like being torn to shreds by Dogs or putting the letter through the box using your hand and not being able to free your hand again! When you are DESPERATELY trying to deliver to a house without making a sound or attracting any attention its NOT GOOD when the pesky security light comes on, followed by a dog biting your hand as you try to put the card in a SQUEAKY and ULTRA STIFF letterbox! By the time you as 'Santa' have managed to deliver your message of good will the Police are on the way and there is a searchlight and the sound of a S.W.A.T. team jumping out of a van ringing in your ears! Trying to tell the secret services that there is only a 'box of fruit jellies' in the box while you are flat on the ground with your hands behind your back is REALLY not in the festive spirit!!!
It was FUN though last night 'sculking about' in the shadows of people's homes! I felt like a right villain even though all I was trying to do was 'deliver a smile and some happiness'. At one house I was just about to sneak up the drive when I saw a man get out of the car parked in it!!! EEKK!!!
I nearly did a 'Jim Carrey' and dived into the nearest hedge but AMAZINGLY he didn't see me! After he went into the house, I carefully slid open the door and got into the porch. I had a bottle of wine dressed up to look like a Christmas cracker and a card for him (I felt his house was the best effort of all) and so I carefully laid it at the foot of one of the decorations he had put outside his front door!
There was a notice telling me to smile as I was on CCTV but I just had to trust in the magical fairy dust of good will I had sprinkled that I would not get rumbled!! HA HA

Mind you, if there is such an offense as 'delivering more Christmas spirit than is allowed' or 'being nice without a license' I will be the happiest man in court in January!!

All in all I dropped 46 Santa cards on doormats ready for discovery this morning in peoples homes and left another home a box of fruit jellies and a card on their doorstep. I also had a LONNNNGGG chat with a friendly fellow by the name of Andy who just happened to be passing. We talked a lot about Christmas, God, Religion and faith and shared some interesting views and ideas. Was it fate that I should run into Andy (a Christian) doing 'Santa's work' on Christmas Eve? Well, I guess you could see it that way!!!

Have a LOVELY day today people and keep rockin'!


Thursday 24 December 2015

'A Christmas Update!'

Well, not long to go now! I hope you are all sorted with your Christmas preparations?

Now, a little word of advice for any of you 'dreading' the next few days...

People are what make Christmas what it is and it is purely down to YOU whether you enjoy it or not. we all moan about our relatives or get irritated by what others think, do and say but it is just as well to remind yourself BEFORE you open your mouth next time something similar happens that you are LUCKY to have those people in your life...

Many people have no-one and face a Christmas with nothing but the telly, a book or the radio for company. My 'little world' is shrinking fast and as I get older I'm becoming more and more aware of that. This blog, my video channel (Youtube Channel Maybrick44), my writing for 'Hastings Town' magazine and my creativity are all ways I use to help me deal with being single. Most of the year round it works well and I don't miss what I don't know - if you see what I mean?

These last few days though I have been to a fantastic get-together with my writing club (Shorelink Writers) for a Christmas meal in the 'Capital City of Christmas - Westfield' which was lovely and spent an evening with two of the most Christmassy friends I know in their beautifully decorated flat. Both evenings would be nothing, mean nothing without the human interaction so just you remember that next time 'the mother or father-in-law gets your goat', eh?

Right, that's my 'Christmas Sermon' to the nation for this year out of the way! (lol) Now I will tell you what I am planning for tonight!

I am HOPING that the weather will be good because I have (belatedly) been writing a lot of my 'To The Occupants' cards and hope to walk the streets late tonight 'delivering' cards to houses in and about my area that have made a great effort this year to put up Christmas decorations, lights and or a lovely Christmas Tree! I always sign these 'THANK YOU' cards 'From Santa' so I thought if I were to make the effort on Christmas Eve the recipients would literally wake up with a Christmas card fro Santa on their mat! How great an idea is that, eh? Ho! Ho! Ho! Doesn't even start to cover it, does it!!

I have written about 30 cards out so far (sadly, not as many as last years campaign but then I have not had the time to prepare this year) and hope to add a few more to that total today. Then, come the cover of darkness, I shall be off out with a sack over my back just like Santa! Mind you, I WILL be sticking to doors and letter boxes - I don't think I will try squeezing down chimneys or 'popping in' to leave my card by the Christmas Tree in the living room! I might be 100% genuine (and Christmas Potty!) but I doubt the local constabulary would see it that way and spending New Years Eve behind bars for having 'too much Christmas spirit' (in the non-alcoholic sense)' would not be much fun!

As with last year, creaking gates, tight 'Arkwright's till' like letter boxes and security lights will be my sworn enemy tonight so I'm hoping that the weather will be kind (fat chance!)...

Right, well I'm off to get writing and preparing - be fun to see if I get any cards back this time around? I think last year I 'delivered' about 55 cards and got 7 back..

Friday 18 December 2015

'Tony's Christmas Quiz For You To Try'

Well, its just seven days now to the BIG day! Not really seemed as much like Christmas to me this year and we are nearly there now so I guess its going to take a miracle for me to REALLY get my usual buzz at this time of year...

Anyway, here as promised is the Christmas Quiz I put to my writing club members the other night. in hindsight, I think its probably a bit too hard to be a great quiz but have a go and see how you get on - its certainly more of a challenge than most quizzes and even if you don't know the answers you will learn a lot about Christmas by taking part!!

Tony May’s Christmas Quiz!

Round 1 – Christmas Traditions

Q 1-What actually happens to letters sent by children to Santa addressed to ‘The North Pole’?

A) The Post Office simply discards them at the local sorting office.

B) They are sent to The North Pole.
C) They are stored at the sorting office over Christmas and then re-cycled.
D) They are sent internally to the Post Office HQ where they are destroyed.

Q 2 – With what is it deemed unlucky to cut a mince pie?

A) A Knife
B) A Sword
C) An Axe
D) A Pikestaff

Q3 – With what purpose is Christmas pudding traditionally doused in flaming brandy?

A) The flaming brandy helps to enhance/hide the flavour of the pudding – many of which in Dickensian times may have been made with stale ingredients of fruit well past its best.

B) The flames are said to ward off evil spirits.

C) The tradition of doing so originated in the U.S. where the flaming of the pudding was said to signify ‘the eradication of sin and the birth of hope for goodness from then on’.

D) The flames are purely for show and always have been!
Q4 – Which group of people are said to have invented Carol Singing?

A) Servants
B) The Landed Gentry
C) Monks
D) Beggars

Q5 – The traditional period to sing carols begins on which date?

A) 21st Dec
B) 22nd of Dec
C) Christmas Eve
D) 19th Dec

Q6 – If you are ‘Mumming’ at Christmas what in fact are you doing?

A) Being a VERY naughty boy or girl!
B) Visiting the home of your mother or wife’s mother
C) Taking part in an early version of pantomime
D) Using a LOT of bandages!

Q7 - What are the three items it is said Children should leave out for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve?

A) Sherry, Mince Pies And A Letter
B) Brandy, An Apple And Mince Pies
C) Mince Pies, Brandy & A Carrot
D) Brandy, Mince Pies & A Letter

Q8 – According to old Christmas superstitions what do all of the sheep in the fields do at midnight?

A) Turn and bow to the North
B) Turn and bow to the South
C) Turn and bow to the West
D) Turn and bow to the East

Q9 – What exactly is ‘posset’?

A) It is a medieval Apple Pie
B) It is a wooden cup specially carved each year for the purpose of celebrating the festive season. Family members would take turns in drinking from the posset before meals during the twelve days of Christmas.
C) It is a drink traditionally drunk on Christmas Eve made from milk combined with spices, lemon, sugar and other ingredients.
D) It is a long wooden bench made from Oak.

Q10 – Poinsettia’s are traditional Christmas plants but from which country do they originate?

A) Mexico
B) Spain
C) Brazil
D) Scotland

Round 2 – History

Q 1 – Where and when did the first recorded observance of Christmas take place?

A) AD 100 in Jerusalem
B) AD 340 in Vienna
C) AD 360 in Rome
D) AD 330 in Oslo

Q2 – Electric lights were first used to celebrate Christmas in which year?

A) 1879
B) 1880
C) 1881
D) 1882

Q3 - In Which Country was the first Christmas stamp issued in 1898?

A) England
B) France
C) Canada
D) The United States

Q4 – In what year was the first Christmas card created?

A) 1887
B) 1842
C) 1844
D) 1843

Q5 – The carol, ‘Silent Night’, was written by a Priest named Joseph Mohr. What nationality was he?

A) German
B) Czech
C) Swiss
D) Austrian

Q6 – Up until the 19th century people would keep their decorations up until Candlemas Day. When exactly is ‘Candlemas Day’?

A) February 2nd
B) January 31st
C) February 4th
D) January 25th

Q7 – St Francis Of Assisi is said to have created the first nativity performance in 1223. In which country did this take place?

A) Italy
B) Greece
C) Portugal
D) Spain

Q8 – Why are there twelve days of Christmas?

A) Because it took the three kings twelve days to find the baby Jesus
B) Because the twelve days represent the twelve months in each year
C) Because it allows plenty of time for continuous feasting and merrymaking
D) Because (say someone present in the room) said there should be!

Q9 – The Christmas Pudding we know today started life as a kind of Christmas porridge. By what name was this porridge known?

A) Kasha
B) Frumenty
C) Groats
D) Quinoa

Q10 – When did Wassailing first become associated with Christmas?

A) The 1600’s
B) The 1500’s
C) The 1700’s
D) The 1400’s

Round 3 – Christmas Hits

Q1 – What was the Christmas No 1 Single in the U.K. in 1972?

Q2 – Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen was first No 1 at Christmas in 1975. In which year did it return to the top spot at Christmas when re-issued as part of a double a-sided single with the song, ‘These Are The Days Of Our Lives’?

Q3 - Who had a top ten hit in 1957 with the song, ‘Santa, Bring My Baby Back To Me’?

Q4 – The Smurfs had a 1978 Christmas hit with the song, ‘Christmas In Smurfland’. From which country do Smurfs originate?

Q5 – Which British band had a 1980 Christmas hit with the song ‘Never Mind The Presents’?

Q6 – In what year was ‘Do They know Its Christmas?’ by Band Aid first released?

Q7 – Who was the first British artist to have a No 1 Christmas hit in the U.K?

Q8 – Wizzard had the 1973 Christmas No 1 in the U.K. with the festive classic ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday’. Name the group’s lead singer. * BONUS POINT if you can name the record label it was on.
Q9 – In 1983, Actors George Cole & Dennis Waterman teamed up to record the Christmas novelty song, ‘What are We Gonna Get Er’ Indoors’. The song was a cash-in from the duo’s popularity in the television programme ‘Minder’. We all remember that George Cole played Arthur Daley but what was the name of the character played by Dennis Waterman?

Q10 – Bob The Builder was number one at Christmas in 2000 with the song ‘Can We Fix it?’ Can you name the actor who was the voice of Bob?

Round 4 – Christmas Films

Q1 – Which Actor provides the voice of ‘Scrooge’ in the 1992 Film, ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’?

Q2 – What was the surname of he angel, ‘Clarence’ in the 1946 classic Christmas film ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’?

Q3 – In what year was the film ‘Elf’ starring Will Ferrell released?

Q4 – The 1947 film, ‘Miracle On 34th Street’ starred Maureen O’ Hara, John Payne and Natalie Wood but which other Actor was it who won ‘Best Actor in a supporting role’ in the 1948 US Academy Awards for his portrayal of the lead character, Kris Kringle?

Q5 – What is the name of Bill Murray’s character in the 1988 film ‘Scrooged’?

Q6 – The 1988 film, ‘National Lampoons Christmas Vacation’ was the final film in the 58 year career of Mae Questel. Which well-known cartoon character was Mae the voice of?

Q7 – How many films in the ‘Home Alone’ series have been made so far?

Q8 – ‘Whoville’ is the fictional town in which Christmas film?

Q9 – What year was the animated short film ‘The Snowman’ released?

Q10 - Who plays the character Ted Hanover in the 1942 film ‘Holiday Inn’?

Round 5 Christmas Cryptic Capers!
The following are cryptic clues to objects found around the home at Christmas.
Q1. Appointments?
Q2. Dad's a barber?
Q3. Crazy?
Q4. Make a pig of yourself when you find them?
Q5. The orange song?
Q6. A pleasure in Ankara?
Q7. Vision for cockney?
Q8. Type that goes on your head?
Q9. Second visitor in a Christmas Carol?
Q10. Opposite a French stick?

Round 6 – Christmas Panto’s

Q1 – In which Shakespeare play does a variant of the Giant’s cry "Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman" 
 from ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ appear?

A) A Midsummer Nights Dream
B) Othello
C) As You Like It
D) King Lear

Q2 – In which Pantomime does the character ‘Ilnyeva Gettamanovic’ appear?

A) Puss In Boots
B) Cinderella
C) Peter Pan
D) Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs

Q3 – Richard Whittington was in fact a real person and the pantomime that bears his name is the only pantomime to be based on a true subject. ‘Dick’ was mayor of London three times. In which of these years was he NOT Mayor of London?

A) 1401
B) 1397
C) 1406
D) 1419 

Q4 – In which pantomime does the character ‘Columbine’ appear?

A) Jack & The Beanstalk
B) Mother Goose
C) Dick Whittington
D) Cinderella

Q5 – According to the website ‘It’s Behind You. Com’ which is the most popular pantomime of all?

A) Aladdin
B) Dick Whittington
C) Cinderella
D) Snow White

Q6 – In which year was ‘Peter Pan’ first performed at the Duke of York Theatre in London?

A) 1900
B) 1910
C) 1904
D) 1908

Q7 The first recorded use of the word pantomime was in which of these years?

A) 1788
B) 1804
C) 1717
D) 1773

Q8 – In which country is the pantomime, ‘Aladdin’ traditionally set?

A) China
B) Japan
C) Hong Kong
D) Egypt

Q9 – Joseph Grimaldi (1779 – 1837) is considered to be the most ‘famous & popular’ Clown in harlequinade and pantomime of all time but what nationality was he?

A) Irish
B) English
C) Italian
D) Dutch

Q10 – In which pantomime does the character ‘Lagoon’ appear?

A) Aladdin
B) Peter Pan
C) Mother Goose
D) Babes In The Wood

Round 7 – Christmas True of False

Q1 – The Queen’s broadcast to the nation topped the ratings on Christmas Day 2014 with an average of 7.82 million viewers?

Q2 – Legendary soul singer James Brown died on Christmas Day, 2007.

Q3 – Charlie Chaplin, Dean Martin & eartha Kitt all died on Christmas Day.

Q4 – ‘Adeste Fideles’ is how you say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Spanish.

Q5 – The Book ‘Hercule Poirot’s Christmas’ was published in 1939 - the same year that the Second World War began!

Q6 – In Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’ Bob Cratchit’s second daughter is called ‘Belinda’
Q7 – Frank Kelly’s hilarious ‘Christmas Countdown’ was a top 20 hit in 1984.

Q8 – William Shakespeare wrote a Christmas poem entitled, ‘Song Of The Holly’

Q9 – Two five minute ‘Christmas Specials’ were made of the popular comedy series, ‘On The Buses’

Q10 – Leslie Neilsen played Santa in the 2000 TV Movie, ‘Santa Who?’                   

Stumped? Then here are the answers!!!!!

Q1 - B
Q2 – A
Q3 – B
Q4 – D (In The Middle Ages)
Q5 - A
Q6 – C
Q7 – C
Q8 – D
Q9 – C
Q10 - A

Round 2

Q1 – C
Q2 – D
Q3 – C
Q4 – D
Q5 – D
Q6 – A
Q7 – A
Q8 – A
Q 9 – B
Q10 - D

Round 3

Q1 – Long Haired Lover From Liverpool – Little Jimmy Osmond with the Mike Curb Congregation.

Q2 – 1991

Q3 – Elvis Presley

Q4 – Holland (The Netherlands)

Q5 – The Barron Knights

Q6 – 1984

Q7 – Dickie Valentine (in 1955 with ‘Christmas Alphabet’)

Q8 – Roy Wood & Harvest Records

Q9 – Terry McCann

Q10 – Neil Morrissey

Round 4

Q1 – Michael Caine

Q2 – Odbody

Q3 – 2003

Q4 – Edmund Gwenn

Q5 – Frank Cross

Q6 – Betty Boop

Q7 – 5

Q8 – How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Q9 – 1982

Q10 – Fred Astaire

Round 5

Q1. Dates
Q2. Parsnips
Q3. Nuts
Q4. Truffles
Q5. Tangerine
Q6. Turkish delight
Q7. Mince pies
Q8. Pork Pie
Q9. Christmas present
Q10. Shortbread
Round 6

Q1 – D
Q2 - B
Q3 – A
Q4 – B
Q5 – C
Q6 – C
Q7 – C
Q8 – A
Q9 – B
Q10 – B

Round 7

Q2 – FALSE – it was 2006!
Q3 – TRUE (Chaplin in 1977, Martin in 1995 and Kitt in 2008)
Q4 – FALSE – it is ‘Feliz Navidad’
Q5 - FALSE  - it was published in 1938
Q7 – FALSE – it only made no 26
Q9 – TRUE – In 1969 and 1972 – the 1969 version has been lost.
Q10 - TRUE

Do let me know how you get on?

Tuesday 15 December 2015

'Fun At My Christmas Quiz!'

What a manic night last night was at my Christmas Quiz! I decided to surprise my fellow writers by turning up as Quizmaster dressed as Sherlock Holmes! As each new person arrived so I approached them looking intently through my magnifying glass at them 'just in case they happened to be Professor Moriarty in disguise'.

Now, most Women do not normally take kindly of being suspected of being a man - even less a fiend like Moriarty but I am well-known now for my 'quirky' sense of humour so my magnifying glass stayed clear of my rectum...

In fact, as you can see by these photos, my fellow Shorelink Writers all entered into the spirit of silliness and there was plenty of friendly banter all night. Fuelled by my 'chocolate rations' (I had placed a wrapped present on each of the four team tables beforehand) we managed to get through six rounds of questions in the two hours AND were treated to a strange 'bonus round' performance consisting of my old sparring partner, Alvin Culzac, and I 'singing' the carol 'Good King Wenceslas' with a subtle difference... well, not such a subtle difference actually as I was singing each first line in English whilst Alvin sung his
alternate lines in a 'mystery' different language? Aside from having to put up with our singing, the teams had the task of trying to work out which languages Alvin was singing in! I subsequently awarded 1 point for each correct answer with a bonus 5 points for those teams which recognised that Alvin was singing in Klingon! HA HA HA

Amazingly, TWO teams managed to identify the Klingon tongue but missed one or more of German, Italian & Spanish!!! What a bunch of 'Trekkies', eh?

As usual, in spite of my efforts to make it a more level playing field with some tricky multiple choice questions, Jenny's Team led pretty much throughout the contest and won with their heads in their chest by an impressive 10 points!

Sally Patricia Gardner (our Chair) is a 'Quiz Whizz' and ALWAYS ends up on the winning side no matter how difficult I try to make it for her!
I would shackle her chances by being in her team if I could but when its ME who is running the show even that's impossible!

In hindsight, I think I made the Quiz a tad too hard for 'most ordinary mortals' but its a very difficult task trying to put a quiz together. I hate it when all of the questions are SOOO easy that every team gets nearly all of them right but its a fine line to tread when you try to make a quiz a bit harder because if you set the bar too high people lose interest and/or get demoralised...

Still, overall I think everyone enjoyed the evening, the music (I brought my laptop to keep the festive sounds coming) and the silliness.

The one sadness for all of us being the lack of two of our most long standing members 'Bin & Bean Kennedy' (see last post here) who have now moved to Wales. I've known a lot of people do a LOT of things to get away from one of my 'dos' but physically moving to Wales tops the list! HA HA

No, seriously, 'Bean' asked me to send her the quiz questions and answers via e mail so I suspect I shall hear back from her soon with regard to how her and her lot got on!!
Here is the final scoreboard. A gallant effort by all concerned and poor old Tony B's team did really well to tie for third place after being at the rear of the field all the way through. They recognised the 'Klingon' language due to the skills of Mr. Paul J Middleton and did well on the last 'Christmas True or False' round.

I had to miss out one of the rounds I'd prepared due to the time but that I will post the whole Quiz and answers here for you all to have a go at very soon. Do let me know how you all do, won't you?

Lastly, we  celebrated a birthday last night - that of our long standing member, Daniel. He looks quite stunned, don't you think?




Monday 14 December 2015

'Well, Well, Well...'

Life is a funny old thing, isn't it? I am rather HOPELESSLY behind with my Christmas shopping and card writing this year and am having to admit defeat as far as some of it is concerned but although my usual plans have been scuppered this year I have had TWO lots of great news this December to cheer me up and make it seem more like the kind of idillic Christmas I long to find each year...

The first is news that a long standing friend of mine who is a REALLY nice guy, has just informed me that he has found his TRUE LOVE! No wonder I had not heard from him for a while (I had been too busy to contact him, either!) as he has been spending lots of time in a 'loved up' state! I am tickled pink to hear this good news as the 'old boy' has had somewhat of a bumpy ride life wise this last two or three years and its about time 'lady luck' knocked upon his door!

WHAT a relief to get some GOOD news at the moment, eh? BOY this year has been a hard one to love!!

On a similar footing I am content with my lot this year because I know that two more of the people I care about in this world are going to be TOGETHER again this Christmas after a period of being 'prized apart' through ill health. The road for both of them has been particularly treacherous for some time and the road ahead is not going to be without a few bumps in the road either but I am SOO HAPPY to know that this Christmas my two friends (pictured here) will at least be reunited and able to sit around the telly or a warm fire TOGETHER with friends and family close by for the big day.

 People get so 'hooked' on money and things to do with money but in reality I find its HUMAN things that truly make the world seem a better place. My wish for all of you reading this is that you too will soon be blessed with something WONDERFUL to celebrate this Christmas...

P.S.) Off to my Christmas Quiz at Shorelink Writers later today. Its going to be MAD and lots of festive fun - expect a report on here tomorrow!

Toodle pip!

Saturday 12 December 2015

'First Christmas Card Of The Year!'

Can you believe it! Yesterday I received my first Christmas card for this year. I have to say that I have not been able to interact with as many of the people I usually see regularly at this time of year due to my efforts in helping my friend to move but even so to only have one Christmas card on the mantlepiece by Dec 12th is quite a shock!

This said, I have not written a single card myself yet either! I am SO behind with my Christmas preparations this year and have had to realistically give up on sending my usual card & letter to most of my overseas friends as there is no way now that my cards will reach them in time for the big day...

I think this time around I shall have to do a lot of letter writing and card sending to my overseas friends and family in the New Year - kind of make it a 'hope you had a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year' kind of letter.

I have to say though that i am thrilled with the card I have received! (Pictured here) It is from one of my local Councillors, Phil Scott.
Phil has been very supportive of my work as 'The Clean Up Man' in my local community and has ALWAYS done his best to help whenever I have passed on a complaint or informed him of something which needs urgent attention in my area. I am not a fan of the party Phil stands for but have no problem voting for him as a good man is a valuable asset to any area and whether we agree on a lot of issues or not I trust Phil to at least do what HE truly believes is for the best. Now, how many politicians can you say that about, eh?

The videos Phil is thanking me for are ( I presume) some of the 'Clean Up Man' related ones I have made for my Maybrick44 Youtube Channel. Being in effect a 'down and out' in society these days my words and actions can often 'carry a bit of weight' and grab people's attention simply because if an unemployed bloke of 50 on benefits is clearing the streets of rubbish in his local area for nothing AND is talking about how we could all DO MORE to create a better, more caring and sharing society it must be obvious to all that he has no other 'agenda' for making such a video or doing what he does. However well-intentioned any Politician or Councillor may be the fact that that person is in a well paid job and 'doing alright' for themselves (in the eyes of others, at least) makes it harder for them to get people to listen and think of them as genuine.

I doubt I would agree with all of the things Phil would advocate to achieve a more caring and sharing community (I certainly don't with the party he represents) but having made numerous trips to the tip lately I wish people would TALK TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS MORE before deciding to throw perfectly good things away. The amount of stuff that could easily be of great help to someone else that gets thrown away is staggering! I know it is a difficult subject and WAY less simple than I am making it sound here but we should ALL be trying to do more to help each other - especially the way the world is today. Time, awkward job hours and moving deadlines etc are all reasons why stuff does not get shared about but its a crazy way of going on when if we all shared more we would all have more money to spend on other things!!!

Anyway, I wanted to make this blog post to THANK Phil for his card ( he sent me one last year as well) and wish him and all who act in a genuine way in public service a HAPPY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR!

To finish off here is one of my 'Clean Up Man' videos to give you some idea of what I am talking about if you are not aware already...

Thursday 10 December 2015

'Presents Being Awkward and Westfield'

I have had quite a bit of bad luck this year in my annual search for 'just the right present for just the right person'! I pride myself on trying to discover/think of something each person wants or would love WITHOUT letting them know in advance or asking them for ideas... I had THREE 'secret weapons of joy' lined up this year for three people and have had my plans scuppered on all of them this time either because they have already bought the item for themselves, there has been a delay of some sort or I ended up buying something that has now turned out not to be suitable for some reason ( like someone buying a new TV and they now cannot plug in their old DVD player to it!) This is all very disappointing not to mention costly as I now have two or three presents with no-one to give them to! Oh well, never mind, I LOVE trying to beat the odds and get someone a great present and when I do manage it the reward of seeing them so happy AND surprised is worth all the money in the world!

I'm DEFINITELY now getting the Christmas spirit at last. Been wearing my festive jumpers and generally thinking Christmas - all of which is making me feel brighter in spite of the horrid weather.
I went out to see the Christmas lights at Westfield the other day as well (as you can see) which has probably helped get me in the mood. SO nice to see a whole community pulling together to raise money for charity like that. This year they are raising money for St Michael's Hospice, which, is a fantastic cause so I hope they will do well. Gave a little bit myself while I was there. it wasn't a lot but I think if everyone who visited gave £1 the Hospice would receive a HUGE amount in the New Year!

Do give a little to the Westfield Communities cause if you go along and see the village for yourself. It only takes a tiny amount from each of us to make a real difference. In fact, making a small difference to any aspect of your local community can start off a HUGE chain reaction in time. 
As the 'Clean Up Man' I know that better than most!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

'Jingle Bells!'

It has been a VERY odd year for me has 2015. I've seen a lot of changes, lost a few people from my life and have essentially 'ploughed my own furrow' as far as the world is concerned. The planet today is nothing like the world I used to know and while things were far from perfect before those who say we have 'come a long way' should ponder on just why it is then that the world is a FAR more violent, dangerous and unstable place now than it was in the 1970's ands 80's - with all its 'Cold Wars' and alleged 'ism's'...

It is precisely why I have felt 2015 to be a strange and 'raw' year that I decided to record something a bit out of the ordinary as my Christmas Youtube Video Single for this year. What about a PUNK version of 'Jingle Bells', I thought? I know! I could include a Dick Emery Vicar who gets his choirboys to shout 'OI! OI! OI! in the choruses and get the guitarist to suddenly burst into a drunken version of 'Rule Britannia' half way through...YES! What a good idea!!!

Well, in spite of having to talk my friend and LONG suffering Producer, Harvey Summers down from the top of high buildings TWICE that is EXACTLY what he and I recorded having enlisted the vocal help of another friend of mine (and unsung Punk Rock pioneer) Sue Butchers. Sue was in the band, 'Siren' in Sheffield back in the late 70's and they were one of the earliest all-girl punk groups. she then went on to front the popular gigging band, 'Debar' before appearing in Tenpole Tudor's video for 'The Hayrick Song' and getting arrested for wearing a Maggie Thatcher mask while filming a video for 'the Angelic Upstarts' in Brighton!

Now, Punk Rock is not very 'Christmassy' but I think a good old raucous knees up is just what the doctor ordered to see out a year which has LONG needed a good kick in the pants out the door!

So, without further ado, sit back and enjoy this festive fun-fest and let's all hope that 2016 is a hell of a lot kinder, nicer and more fun for all!!


I would like to dedicate this video to the memory of DICK EMERY, whose fabulous Vicar character was the inspiration behind this idea...