Because I am a 'regular offender' as far as attending this event goes and (hopefully) spreading a bit of Christmas cheer and good will I am well-known at St Clements by all of those who organise and put on the Fair. It was lovely today when walking up the front steps of the church two people said hello to me and said that they were 'glad to see me back again'. The two people I spoke to were elderly and they said were going to be in charge of organising the tea & coffee. I SO admire them and their fellow parishioners for all the hard work they put into making this Fair happen. It's a LOT of work in the kitchens at this event and the tables need wiping, the plates of biscuits and mince pies need replenishing and then there is all the washing up that needs to be kept on top of so that there are enough cups and saucers!
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About our new, 'Vintage World' magazine... |
I gave the couple a free copy of 'Hastings Town' as a little gift. I brought a few with me to try and promote the magazine as we ( I have been writing for 'Hastings Town' now for a decade) have a NEW title coming out soon called, 'Vintage World' and so it was a good chance to 'pop a flyer' for that in the middle as well.
While the event was well attended it was more of a trickle of people coming in rather than a 'long queue to get in' kind of event. I felt a little sad waiting outside before the doors opened as I realise that going forward there are likely to be less and less of these community type events. People today seem more interested in the 'virtual' world and 'talking to their T.V.'s' than they do in attending and taking part in organising events. The lady who has been at the helm of St Clement's Christmas Fair for years told me herself that she is now 80 and can only really see herself carrying on for another two or three years. It is SO SAD how so many of the hard working and happy faces behind the stalls at this event are now the 'older generation'. Why and how has society gotten to the state that it is in today with people so seemingly disconnected from each other?
The sense of community in The Old Town though is second to none and that's precisely why I like to think of myself as a kind of 'Honourary Old Towner'...
This all said, there were a few YOUNG people helping out today! The ladies 'ladying' the ping-pong game were very fun and smiley and a schoolgirl who looked very chirpy was also helping out on the £1 a go - win a prize every time stall.
There was no 'bottle' stall this year though and it didn't seem to me that they had quite had the level of donations as far as 'bric-a-brac' was concerned that they usually get (though I got a lovely book for someone I know as a Christmas present and a fun little finger puppet that I'm going to have some fun with!) but all in all the FESTIVE spirit and feel of a 'Traditional Christmas' was as intact as ever!
The St Clement's Church Christmas Fair is like the best tonic any Doctor could prescribe for me and I almost got a bit teary after I left. This time of year there is so much going on and it all comes at you so fast. With other appointments today I could only spare an hour and a half at the Fair this morning and I got a bit emotional when I realised that it would be a WHOLE YEAR now before I could potentially feel that happiness again.The upside to this sad tale being the fact that I soon realised that, just like the days of Charles Dickens when 'Christmas was just a few days and far less commercialised' when something in life is so rare it is that very rareness that makes experiencing it that much more SPECIAL.
There is no way I would ever want to get 'over familiar' with the MAGIC of my favourite Christmas Fair and so until next year I shall hold on to my special memories and keep the spirit of Christmas they evoke in my heart...
Finally, I also got a copy of the brilliant, 'A Pier Amongst Peers' book at the Fair today. It was brand new and £10 but if I was ever going to buy a copy I thought today was the day to do it! All of the money raised goes to charity and (as you may know if you read, 'Hastings Town' magazine) I have a very personal connection to the history of Hastings Pier...
Lots of love to all at St Clement's Church and A MERRY CHRISTMAS and THANK YOU for all they continue to do to make this event so special.
My Christmas starts from today and long may it last!
Love Tony xx
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